April 23

The Roman Empire/Roman And Greek Gods And Goddesses/Greece

The history of the Roman Empire covers the history of Ancient Rome from the fall of the Roman Republic in 27 BC until the abdication of the last Emperor in 476 AD.  Rome had begun expanding shortly after the founding of the Republic in the 6th century BC, though didn’t expand outside of Italy until the 3rd century BC.  Antony was defeated at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC. In 27 BC the Senate and people of Rome made Octavian imperator (“commander”) thus beginning the Principate (the first epoch of Roman imperial history, usually dated from 27 BC to 284 AD), and gave him the name Augustus.

In 212, during the reign of Caracalla, Roman citizenship was granted to all freeborn inhabitants of the Empire. But despite this gesture of universality, the Severan dynasty was tumultuous—an emperor’s reign was ended routinely by his murder or execution—and following its collapse, the Roman Empire was engulfed by the Crisis of the Third Century, a period of invasions, civil strife, economic disorder, and plague.

The first recognized king of Rome was its mythical founder, Romulus.

To him is attributed the foundation of the senate.

He is also said to have ruthlessly pursued a policy of expanding the population, granting refuge and acceptance to criminals on the run at the asylum on the Capitoline Hill.

If Romulus’ reign was infamous, this impression is only further reinforced with an With Rome’s populace enlarged with runaway slaves and criminals, king Romulus found himself ruling a nation with too few women. The story goes that he staged extravagant celebrations for the festival of Consus inviting the neighboring tribes to attend.Greece has a size of50,949 square miles

Greece has a size of 50,949 square miles.  Greece is  roughly the size of Alabama.  The population of Greece is more than 10 million people while the population of Alabama is around 4.5 million.  The number of tourist each year is more than the population itself. The number of tourist is more than 16.0 million.  Greece has more international airports than most countries  in the world.  No one in Greece can choose to not vote. Voting is required by law for every citizen who is 18 or older.    Until the late 1990’s, the greatest threat to Greece was Turkey, as the two nations have had historical disputes over Cyprus and other territory for decades. After the devastating earthquake in 1999 they went to each other’s aid and their friendship has improved.


I got my information from: Random Facts


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