April 15

Astronaut Story By Talia Yee / Aaron Higgins

Life In Zero Gravity

Have you ever wanted to see the stars up close? Have you ever wanted to feel weightless? If you answered yes to those questions, you might want to have a job as an astronaut.  However being an astronaut is a lot harder than you think.  Not only is it hard on your body, but you need to train a  lot before going into space, and they have difficult jobs to do while they’re in space.

First being in space is hard on an astronaut’s body.  According to source #2, “Astronaut’s other muscles and their bones can also get weaker.” On earth , we run around and exercise with gravity, which helps our muscles and bones grow strong.  Since there is no gravity in space, the astronauts have to exercise every single day to keep their muscles strong and healthy.  So if you see an astronauts headed to space now you know why.

Next we will be doing the training, source #1 said, “they need to learn medical skills incase of an emergency.”  They take  scuba diving classes, it is supposed to represent what it is like in zero gravity.  Astronauts have to train for hundreds of hours and even years. They study space including stars and the earth.

They train for hours studying what to do when something happens.  I think it would be cool to go space, but studying for hundreds of hours, I don’t think it would be worth it.

We will be moving on to the jobs,  “Each astronaut has a special job to do as part of the team.  Some astronauts learn how to put things together so they become good at fixing things.  This is important because, if something on the spaceship breaks they must be able to fix it themselves.  Some astronauts are pilots who know how to fly airplanes.  These astronauts have to study how to fly and steer the spaceship.  Some astronauts are leaders and are in charge of all the other people on the ship.

Astronauts do not have it easy.  As you have read, just going into space can harm an astronaut’s body.  Even before they go into space they have to train for Astronauts do not have it easy.  As you have read, just going into space can harm an astronaut’s body.  Even before they go into space they have to train for hours to prepare .  Once they are in space they have difficult jobs to do.  The next time you see a space shuttle rocketing towards the sun remember how hard it is to do that.


I got this picture at: http://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/369299/Sleep-challenge-facing-astronauts

I got the video at: Astronauts Go Crazy Playing Space Soccer | Football Video

Posted April 15, 2016 by gavins15 in category Uncategorized

2 thoughts on “Astronaut Story By Talia Yee / Aaron Higgins

  1. fordycej

    Dear Gavin,
    We had such a great time learning about astronauts and to write an organized paper together. I really like how you put your own spin on all your paragraphs using your notes. Fantastic work Gavin. What was your favorite part about this assignment?

    Happy researching,
    Mrs. Fordyce

  2. Susan

    Dear Gavin,
    Thank you for sharing some of the details involved in an astronaut’s training. It sounds like an extreme amount of time and effort involved. Almost to the point where it is not only a career, but a lifestyle.

    Even though being an astronaut may not appeal to you, have you thought about the possibility of being an engineer or doing some other job for NASA?

    I think it would be amazing to be amongst the stars (close up), and travel in space.

    Joyful wishes for your daily adventures as you continue exploring,


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